“Princes of the Yen” is a groundbreaking documentary about the power of central banks. Based on the book of the same name by Professor Richard Werner. Richard was a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan during the 90s crash, during which the stock market dropped by 80% and house prices by up to 84%. Prepare to have your understanding of the world turned upside down and inside out.
Website: princesoftheyen.com
- Director/Producer/Writer: Michael Oswald
- Narrator: Andrew Piper
- Associate Producer: Michael Horwath
- Music: Buro & Antonymes
- Year: 2014
- Running time: 93 minutes
- Budget: £500 (Self-funded)
- Buy the DVD: Queuepolitely Shop
- Distributor: Sideways Film
- IMDB: Visit
- Facebook: Visit
- Who is Richard Werner (Twitter @ProfessorWerner)
- Translators: German by Ursula Stucki; Italian by Mario Palla; Japanese by Shinbo Abo; Korean by Joon Sik Jung; Portuguese by Paulo Ferreira; Spanish by Andrés Arias Uribe; Spanish proofing by Jesús Manuel Utrilla Trinidad; French by Karl Chretien; Hungarian by Istvan Radnoty; Slovenian by Irena Hrast;