Independent POV

Independent POV is an independent production company set up by Michael Oswald. It produces documentaries that explore the themes of secrecy and abuse of power, the films aim to challenge dogma and encourage thinking. Previous documentaries include The Man Who Knew Too Much (2020) about an intelligence service whistle blower who was framed for a murder, The Spider’s Web (2017) about Britain’s transformation from an imperial power to a global leader in offshore finance and  Princes of the Yen (2014) a film on Japan’s bubble economy.

How To Support Us

“Independent” is an overused word and you would be right to question if it had any meaning at all, yet some stories really do receive no support from governments, corporations, billionaires and foundations. Independent POV pays no salaries and has no employees. Support the current project on or support Micheal on Patreon and receive early access to films and extras.




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